Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How did this all get started in the first place?

The idea of jogging/running came to me around 5 years ago in the middle of a weight crisis. I was becoming overweight and since I've been lanky my whole life, I felt uneasy with my weight. I'm kind of a lazy person so going to the gym was the last resort in obtaining my desired weight. I tried yoga, but it did not match my personality; i am an out doors kind of guy and I HAVE to be moving constantly. So i looked out my window and I saw the road, i looked in my closet and i saw shoes, more like sneakers, a pair of shorts, socks and a shirt and so my journey began.
During my first runs I did not even conceive that the activity will become an addiction, little did I know that it was going to teach me a lot about myself. And so, we begin.

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