Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Changes i started noticing

so, i didn't lose weight immediately but i started noticing a lot of differences in myself. My bodily functions improved; my bowel movement became regular, i became more lively and my sleeping pattern became regular. the funny thing is, one would think that when you engage in physical activities, you would be tired, your energy drained. But, what happened was the opposite, i found myself having more energy throughout the day if i ran in the mornings and not being able to sleep if i ran in the afternoon. i didn't mind my weight anymore because i really felt good, i felt great and that transcends any petty issues like wight.
my disposition also improved, my temper was lengthening and this came in a time when i really needed it. this is because during this time my wife and i had a baby and God knows the patience you need when raising a child, i love you isabella. i could laugh at the little things and i could really let the things that did not matter go. i don't know if i could attribute this solely to running, of course maturity comes with age and the people around you but i'm pretty sure running had something to do with it. i was ill tempered all my life, the littlest thing could set me off, i got into a lot of fights, sometimes with loved ones (again, i'm sorry for those i hurt) but when i started running it was as if a the sky became clear, the rain cloud went away.
i could see that i was changing for the better and needless to say, i liked the change that was happening. i knew i had to continue with this hobby that would soon become an addiction. I invested in new shoes and running attire and i looked for new places to run other than the village where we live in. i knew if this transformation would continue i had to fuel what was causing it. to be a better person i had to be a better runner.

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